Nuclear weapons assignment

• Were atomic strikes necessary to prevent an invasion of Japan in November 1945 and subsequent loss of American lives?

• Was Truman's decision to drop the bomb aimed at intimidation of the Soviets rather than a quick Japanese surrender?

• To what extent did America's nuclear capability influence negotiations with the Soviets after the end of WWII?

• Did Truman have plausible alternatives to ending the conflict in the Pacific? If so, why were they not pursued?

• Why did Truman authorise a strike on a civilian target?

• How did military planners decide on potential targets and why was no warning given to civilians?

• Did Emperor Hirohito prolong the war unnecessarily thus bringing about the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

• If the United States had been more flexible about the demand for "unconditional surrender" by guaranteeing a constitutional monarchy would Japan have surrendered earlier than it did?

• How greatly did the atomic bombings affect the Japanese decision to surrender?

• Why was the bombing of Hiroshima not enough to bring about Japan's unconditional surrender?

• Would the Soviet declaration of war on August the 5th have been enough to bring about Japan's surrender?

• Was the dropping of the atomic bombs morally justifiable?
