Energy sources (2014 VCE)

1) Methane gas may be obtained from a number of different sources. It is a major component of natural gas. Methane trapped in coal is called coal seam gas and can be extracted by a process known as fracking. Methane is also produced by the microbial decomposition of plant and animal materials. In addition, large reserves of methane were
trapped in ice as methane hydrate in the ocean depths long ago.
Methane is a renewable energy source when it is obtained from
A. natural gas.
B. coal seam gas.
C. methane hydrate.
D. microbial decomposition.


2) The heat content of canola oil can be determined by placing it in the spirit burner in place of ethanol. A typical result is 17 kJ g–1. Suggest why the heat content of fuels such as canola oil and biodiesel are measured in kJ g–1. and not kJ mol–1..


3) Biodiesel may be produced by reacting canola oil with methanol in the presence of a strong base. Since canola oil contains a mixture of triglycerides, the reaction produces glycerol and a mixture of biodiesel molecules. A typical biodiesel molecule derived from canola oil has the chemical formula C15H30O2.
Write the semi-structural formula of this molecule, then circle and name the functional group present.
