Closed ecosystems
analyisng data and identifying trends.

Green moss was placed in a sealed clear plastic container and left out on a window ledge exposed to daylight.

Light, temperature and gaseous carbon dioxide found in the sealed bottle were measured at regular intervals over a 48 hour period. Below is the data represented in graphical form. Recording commenced at 2.00 pm on the first day.
Another experiment was conducted under exactly the same conditions except that the bottle was painted black to exclude all light from entering. Below is the data represented in graphical form.

Analyse the data carefully.


What was the experimenter trying to achieve by having a second bottle, with light blocked out?
What are the trends for each variable?
How are variables, light, temperature and carbon dioxide related?
Using your knowledge of photosynthesis and cellular respiration give a detailed explanation of these trends and relationships.
What does the data suggest about the amount of carbon dioxide used by the plant as compared to the amount of carbon dioxide consumed by the plant? Explain.
What do you expect would happen to the amount of gaseous carbon dioxide in the bottle if several snails were added? Explain.